In the case of an attack by the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IS), to a prison in the East of Afghanistan have been killed according to the authorities at least 29 people. In addition, dozens of people were injured, said a spokesman for the Governor of Nangarhar province.

The attack had begun on Sunday evening. A suicide bomber detonated in Jalalabad, a car bomb, then opened dozens of attackers fire on security forces. The battles lasted all through the night and also on Monday morning, the authorities imposed a curfew. The attackers had brought parts of the prison under their control.

According to the authorities spokesperson, special forces were now about a thousand prisoners who had escaped after the attack from prison, re-arrested. At least 300 were still on the run.

the Taliban want nothing to do with the fact

An offshoot of the IS in the province of Khorassan, took over the responsibility for the attack. Several hundred inmates in the prison are suspected of this IS-offshoot. On Saturday, the Afghan had informed the secret service that security forces had killed near Jalalabad, a senior IS member.