CSU leader Markus Söder has taken since months in Berlin, under pressure, the Federal Minister of transport, Andreas Scheuer in part, in protection. “Well, he has it easy because he is, of course, taken by journalists to be plated to the part right and in part a bit, again and again, every day under fire,” said the Bavarian Prime Minister on Sunday in the ARD-“summer interview” in Berlin. The toll-the Disaster should not be attached barn alone, and this has supported the whole Federal government. Before Scheuer’ll be judged, must be of the investigative Committee of the Bundestag to wait.

in Contrast, the Scheuers Ministry was responsible for the Chaos in the Reform of the fine catalog was “in fact very annoying,” said Söder. The amendment, which provides for, among other things, a faster withdrawal of the driving licence for speeders, was recently due to a formal error return is taken and is now to be again revised, and in terms of speeders also weakened.

Also, Scheuers recent proposal for a European Car toll went to view of Söder unhappy. On demand, he said that it would not have needed this proposal now. Scheuer in his office, but also “a lot of good ideas and suggestions”. Now, he stand, but once faced with the difficult task of “this annoying, annoying thing with the rules of the road” to fix it.

Söder calls from the CDU more Tempo for women

in Addition, Söder warned in the implementation of the quota for women in the CDU to more haste. A step-by-step introduction by 2025, how you have decided the Christian Democrats, appear to him to be “with all due respect, something to see for a long time,” he told the ARD. If you want this, “you must do it consistently”.