it is as light as a feather, can be about almost anything put, them on drops. And in Cape town it is so pervasive that you could almost go through as a Uniform for the city. On every street corner you can see the oversized vests come in blue, orange or neon yellow plastic with the rough seams and the wide reflector strips. Actually, they are an indicator for an official function, worn by construction workers, garbage disposers and other, often poorly paid, and yet the system that are relevant to workers. But, because they are cheap and available everywhere, started out in vain for job-seekers, the West create to obtain with them the informal work.

stand in front of Restaurants, railway stations and airports, and for a few coins you can fit about as a Parking attendant on cars, or offering to help Carry bags. Among these people also, Melo is in a Parking lot next to the Cape Town Railway Station and against a small tip car guards. No one has hired him to do it, he just on the square, a blue vest laid out and his own body created. “Life is good. I’m still learning. The vest, it’s a formality, so you noticed us. Many of you create work. Some of them live on the street and for them this is a way to earn money to Survive,“ he says.

In Europe has become the revolt of the vest by the French yellow West movement since 2018 is a Symbol of the Work. “It is yellow, it’s ugly, it doesn’t match anything, but they can save your life”, as applied to the fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld when she was years before, in France, the compulsory inventory of cars on the road. This ubiquitous availability, it was made the Symbol of the labour movement. Because as a Frenchman Ghislain Coutard shot in his car in a Video to argue against the increase in the fuel taxes, he resorted to the most obvious object – the bright, highly visible safety vest. The moving image went viral, other Protesters Gilets Jaunes loaded, which were the expression and the name of the new movement. Of all things, a cheap piece of plastic, available everywhere, hundreds of millions sold, has been misused and reinterpreted as a sign of protest. No other piece of clothing has managed to become the Symbol.