In the Demonstration against the Corona pads on Saturday in Berlin have been injured, according to police sources, 18 the use of force. Three would be treated in the hospital, informed the police in the night to Sunday. More than 20,000 people had previously had rules in disregard of the distance and without a mouth, nose, protection against the measures to contain the Coronavirus protested. Because of the non-compliance with the requirements, the police broke up in the late afternoon of the rally.

The resolution moved in the night. At the Brandenburg gate, hundreds of people waited in the late evening. On Twitter, the police announced that it would create, View and partially carried away. At the Demonstration people from all over Germany arrived in the area, had called, among other things, the Stuttgart-based Initiative cross-711 think. In addition to Corona-deniers and Impfgegnern also, many of the participants with a clear right-wing flags or T-Shirts in the crowd were.

From the policy and sharp criticism of the behavior of the protesters came at a time of rising Corona infections. Demonstrations would have to be in Corona-times, wrote to the Federal Minister of health, Jens Spahn (CDU) on Twitter. “But not so. Distance, rules of hygiene and the everyday masks serve all of our protection.“ SPD-Head of Saskia esque also wrote on Twitter: “thousands Covidioten celebrate in Berlin as ‘the second wave’, without distance, without a mask.”