The police to cancel the rally of opponents of state Corona-pads in Berlin. The organizer will not be able to comply with the hygiene measures, said a police spokesman of the German press Agency. Appropriate measures would be prepared. At the rally of around 20,000 people on the street of the 17 had on Saturday. June, close to the Brandenburg gate gathered.

Earlier, thousands of people pay with a March through Berlin against the Corona protested, in spite of a rising Infection measures. The police went up to 17,000 participants at the Demo. The protesters demanded an end to all requirements.

According to police, the hygiene requirements, such as distance and the mouth, nose and were in the process of protection is not observed. Forces were initially using loud-speakers, or individual speeches. “In addition, violations will be documented, so that even in the Wake of the sanctioning of infringements is possible,” announced the police.

demonstrators shouted “masks”

In the resolution of the rally, the police had occupied the stage. Several representatives of the organizers were brought in under protest call of the rally participants from the stage. As a Person fought against it, went to the official with use of the body. Previously, the police had asked the first, about 20,000 participants of the rally on several occasions, the area on the Straße des 17. To clear June. After an initial Ask of a police pointed to the speaker to the fact that the protesters committed now misdemeanors. The was always of Boos and protest call accompanied.

in Addition, there were the first legal consequences. “Due to the non-compliance with the hygiene rules of a criminal was made a complaint against the head of the Assembly”, police said on Twitter. The organizers declared the Demonstration then ended. Regardless of the Demonstration, then logged-in rally was not affected up to the resolution in the first instance.

man with mouth-nose protection was called out to meet the protest walk “masks away”. To said it first. At several Points in protest walk were, and against protesters of police units shielded. Counter-demonstrators gathered under the slogan “grandma’s against the law,” contrary to called the train “Nazis out”, the saying rang as an Echo.

With the protesters Signs and flags of the different provinces were to be seen. Their displeasure with the measures of protection against the spread of the Coronavirus were people with whistles and Call for “freedom” or “resistance” of the air. Also slogans such as “The biggest conspiracy theory is the Corona-pandemic” were heard.