Always back to the coffee Fund. Not a word is uttered in the process in front of the Hanau regional court to bribery when Hanauer TÜV so often. The coffee Fund in the office of the inspection organisation was always well filled, at least if you want to believe, Andreas W.. And he should know, after all, born in 1971, motor vehicle master was there for many years examiner. 300 to 400 euros were in the coffee Fund, as he says in the on Thursday started the process on demand from Prosecutor Mathias Pleuser. From the testimony it becomes clear, why the coffee Fund always so good: TÜV-customers who brought cars to the test, had always left money bills on the Desk of the examiner thrown or the Board for the vehicle registration certificate are to be clamped.

Jan Schiefenhövel

a Freelance writer based in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

F. A. Z.

The all reported W. as a defendant. The prosecution accuses him and his former boss in the Hanauer TÜV testing station, Silvio S. as they would be from 2011 to 2013, and Stanley, in spite of deficiencies issued. In some cases, had even been for vehicles that were not in the testing station; a certificate issued. 50 Euro for eight to twelve cars at a audit tag gone. The chief examiner is silent on the first Day of the trial to the allegations.

sandwiches and cake from the coffee Fund

accused of Also three men to hold the office of the public Prosecutor for the donor of the bribe. Two of them, father and son, operate a car workshop in Offenbach, the third, a pensioner, which leads to the commercial vehicles to the test. Other donors have been sued, according to the Prosecutor’s office with criminal commands because of bribery.

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W. is that he had built “crap”. However, when bribed, he would not want to call themselves then. He never demanded a certain amount of money to bring a vehicle through the test. I do not want to accept the Bills of the customers in the coffee Fund is placed. Or he got the money rolls and cakes for the TÜV-occupied workforce.

“a note in the pants pocket

From the coffee Fund remained” had not already been paid, only coffee. Once in the week had been schnitzel-day, the food you’ve indulged in the Fund. The fact that he had taken the money home, he could not remember, says the defendant. On questioning he admits, however, that it was time “to a ticket in the pocket of remained”.

The Prosecutor and the presiding judge Mirko Schulte questions stubbornly to the height of the amounts. The former auditor responds evasively, and differs from, what he had to say when interviewed by police officers and a state attorney. In the courtroom he tries, so it seems otherwise, the whole thing play down. Instead of on his own responsibility, he talks a lot about the pressure he had been subjected to an MOT.