The American threat of Sanctions of the European, in the construction of the Nord Stream gas pipeline, 2 companies complain of a lack of support by the policy. Ultimately, the issue in the dispute on the question of the extent to which Europe will work for its sovereignty and independence, in particular in the energy supply of the continent, said the Chairman of the Board of the Austrian energy group OMV, Rainer Seele on Tuesday in Vienna.

Andreas Mihm

Economics correspondent in Vienna.

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Jonas Jansen

economic correspondent in Düsseldorf.

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The political Initiative from Washington called for a political response. This is not a matter for the company. Soul added: “However, we expect to see as a European company, that the policy is not ensuring that the location of investment, Europe is losing its attractiveness.” The pipeline project is also in the EU’s controversial, the Commission rejects it, because the production and transportation should not be in a Hand.

OMV with Wintershall, Dea, Uniper, Shell and Engie to those of Western European investors, who help to Finance the Russian state company Gazprom organized the construction and operation of the pipeline. You bear half of the cost of the nearly 10 billion Euro expensive project. All of them, and more companies are now imposing penalties, the United States opposed the construction of the pipeline and the associated economic strengthening of Russia.

“we Want to make a influence from third countries in question?”

America’s foreign Minister, Mike Pompeo, had declared last week, the Baltic sea Pipeline, which should transport Gas from Russia to Germany, the case henceforth, under a law that allows for punitive measures against companies that do business with Russia, or countries such as Iran and North Korea did. The Federal government asks for the umpteenth Time, reject the extra-territorial sanctions, because these “peoples were unlawful”. The German economy had branded the threats as “unfathomable low point in transatlantic relations”.