Ninety kilometers North of Berlin, in fürstenberg on the Havel, is situated in the Schwedt, and he takes in the memories of those who experienced it during the “third Reich” as a child, almost like an Idyll, even if occasionally interrupted by “dog barking” and “after strange sounds” from the other shore, which “sounded like screams”. “They get the shaft”, suspected the children of Fürstenberg in such a Moment.

Even the children of the women who were in the 1939 built the ravensbrück concentration camp as supervisors working, think back to the lake as a pretty Playground. The life in this place of torture and murder had for the SS-staff, which was housed in the cottage, a lovely page. “We need to take note of,” says Insa Eschenbach, the head of the Mahn – und Gedenkstätte Ravensbrück, in Gerburg Rohde-Dahl and Wladek Jurkow Film “The guard”. Wherein Insa ash Creek, which is the end of this month in retirement, adds that women such as the Oberaufseherin Johanna Langefeld, the documentation told, were quite convinced of it, “to do the Right thing”.

you never

sentenced The case of Johanna long field is exceptional. Their activity in the concentration of the Nazis in 1938, began to have been kept at the castle of Lichtenburg in Saxony, the prisoners arrived in 1939 to ravensbrück. In 1942 she was used for a few months in the extermination camp at Auschwitz, then to ravensbrück return. Unlike Maria Mandl, which was how long the field in the light castle, and in the women’s camp ravensbrück, and then as her successor to Auschwitz-Birkenau moved, was sentenced to a long box, never by a court for their actions, and not as “the beast” Mandl, according to the Krakow Auschwitz trial – hung.

Instead, Johanna was discontinued long box 1943 from your Post and from the Nazi Regime arrested, and then suddenly released, after the end of the war in Munich by the Americans detained, delivered to Poland. And there you escaped on Christmas day in 1946, thanks to the support of some former inmates at a tightly-kept secret auxiliary action from the prison in Krakow. They returned again in 1957 in the Federal Republic of Germany; she died in 1974 in Augsburg, Germany, by the German justice never prosecuted.

historians such as John Schwartz emphasize in the documentation that comes with lots of silent shots of the ravensbrück memorial site, and also the difficulties of Research identifies what a formative role in the Oberaufseherin Johanna have taken the long box in the Store and that she had been involved in the crime. Even otherwise, the activities of the convinced national socialist and Antisemitin long field that had volunteered for service in the woman’s store is played, not down. Also, they beat prisoners, they, too, the upset in her time in Auschwitz, “” the gassings have been intended to be, carried out selections meant for the women affected by the gas chamber.