What a Idyllic, quiet and pure: The birds are silent, because they are in the moult, a mother Duck stretches the neck vigilant about your grass Chicks in front of the Dolphin fountain, two Egyptian goose parents patrol their adolescent offspring in addition to the moat, in which a Nutria is pulling your train. So Arcadian, you know, Bad Vilbel, when the Fanfare gets to play the annual castle festival. Only: In Corona-times people rar. Already at 18.30 is not inlet, so that the 206 approved spectators jamming to the additions. Who moves on to the festival grounds, is to the mouth nose and the protection required. Only in their places, and to the catering tables, the visitors are allowed to take it off. The result: nine people without a mask on the beer benches in front of the castle.

Claudia Schülke

Freelance writer in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

F. A. Z.

is 20 watch there is no traffic jam at the entrance, even though the Premiere is sold out. So for row 2, space 25, a Two-chair group. Question: Who is next to a sitting, with or without a mask? Nobody, as it turns out. Three times the Fanfare rings out, then three men jump over the stage, a fourth with a bloody nose. Only four instead of six is presented as 13 years ago, when the castle games ever “Ladies Night” with great success, only one woman instead of two, as it provides for the men of the strip-Comedy of the new Zealand writers Stephen Sinclair and Anthony McCarten. Three roles are a victim of the spacing rules. But the Director Christian H. Voss has managed to cope with this mini-cast and in no time at a premiere night as the noise experience.

Gavin, Barry, Norman and Craig are unemployed. As Gavin in the newspaper, the stripper, group “the Chippendales” discovered as a big earner, we he comes up with an idea: Why not? In doing so, he forgets that washboard bellies are find from I-40 just on the Red list of erotic zones. Craig, the oldest and roundest of the round, wants to give also prefer the Impresario, instead of letting the shells fall. For this, he knows the night club Manager Bernie, the newborn “Fantastic Four,” a stage offering. Learning from her also: “women want to see no Dicks.” The Gavin’s marbles from the “mysticism of the tail confirmed it.” Finally, the Greek term used in the ancient esoteric means “hidden”. Only that at the time of the “hidden God” was meant to be.

Tight costumes to span over the Gemächten

Now, therefore, it is the hidden God of the man with Hüftstößen and lumbar rotors to make visible the mystery of any eroticism. Priapus ante portas. The tight costumes by Monika Seidl span over the Gemächten, in the audience, the first nymphs to start. The phallic mood swells. Shouted out of the ass of Silenus? Corona is forgotten, Voss and his crew to beat them all in awe. Dionysus is triumphant, even though the previously stuttering Norman (Luke Schwedeck) as a young, apollinis cher nymph hovering over the stage, cheered on by the maenads, among the spectators, who were even allowed to their champagne glasses to take away. The social relevance of the Comedy had already been 13 years ago for the benefit of the spectacle is cut off, this time she goes completely under in the musical Pop-motto, “Born to be alive” the Vilbeler Saturnalia.

this Is a bad thing? No. Finally, mayor Thomas Stöhr has spoken before the Premiere of this first of two reduced-Corona-productions “with great joy and Conviction” of this “unusual” castle festival “extraordinary conditions” with an “exceptional Team” and Bad Vilbel to as the “city of culture” praised. His Cultural Advisor and Director of the Claus-Günther Kunzmann was less emphatic, but rather relieved, “that we have an audience in the courtyard”, and called for this to be a Pre-round of applause for the Herculean performance of his team. But above all, the enthusiasm of the spectators heats up the warm summer evening, as the frustrated and fractious “Four” fight, literally, and a brilliant Show in the choreography of Kerstin Ried to lie down, the more you trust him.