In the corruption affair at the Hessian General Prosecutor’s office in Frankfurt, requested the Chairman of the SPD parliamentary group in the Landtag, Nancy Faeser, a quick and comprehensive under the direction of the country tags. In a Letter to justice Minister Eva Kühne-Hörmann (CDU), criticized the social Democrat, the “lack of communication” with the Minister, with Parliament.

Ewald Hetrodt

correspondent of the Rhein-Main-Zeitung in Wiesbaden.

F. A. Z.

“In view of the senior Position of the accused within the General Prosecutor’s office and the Severity of the Alleged crimes, it would have been, in my view, necessary for the Hessian Parliament in a timely manner to teach,” writes Faeser. “A short notice telephone conference with the Leaders of the political groups in the Committee on legal Affairs would have been sufficient for the beginning.” Instead, the members of the Committee on legal Affairs and the other members of the country tags only knew what had been done from different media in the past. To clarify

is, why a single state’s attorney appears to have had, over many years, the ability to manipulate orders for expert opinions so that they fit in the of the state attorney established corruption system. “It is in this context, some pressing questions to the procurement practice in the Hessian justice in General, and in the office of the Prosecutor General in Particular, and to the manifest failure of the authorities of internal control mechanisms”, so Faeser.