The American President Donald Trump has complained of his lower Approval ratings in the Corona-crisis. “No one likes me,” Trump said Tuesday during a press conference in the White house. He complained that his advisers for dealing with the pandemic, the leading disease expert Anthony Fauci, was more popular than he himself. “This must be because of my personality,” said the President about yourself.

Trump and his entourage had tried in the past few weeks, repeatedly, to bring Fauci discredited and its credibility undermined. The head of the National Institute for allergies and infectious diseases is regarded as a leading Coronavirus expert from the United States. With its unvarnished statements, he was but the displeasure of the President.

Trump is less than 100 days before the presidential election on may 3. November in the polls well behind Joe Biden’s back, his rival from the opposition Democrats. Because of his handling of the pandemic, the President is massively in the criticism. He is accused of, to have the of the Coronavirus threat long underestimated.

just a week ago, the President had called on the population for the first time to Wear respiratory protection, after he had the fact before about the use of the mouth-nose masks.