The head of the Malian junta, Colonel Assimi Goïta, on Monday March 18 congratulated Russian President Vladimir Putin on his re-election and assured him of his country’s “friendship”. In a message published on social networks, Colonel Goïta “addresses [his] warm congratulations to President Putin for the renewed confidence of his people and wishes him every success in the accomplishment of his duties.” “As a strategic and sincere partner of Mali, I renew all our friendship,” he added.

Colonel Assimi Goïta and a group of officers led a double coup in 2020 and 2021 at the head of this country, which has been facing jihadism and a deep multifaceted crisis since 2012. The junta broke the alliance with France and its European partners and turned militarily and politically towards Russia.

In Burkina Faso, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, head of the junta, also welcomed the re-election of the Russian president: “I extend my congratulations to President Vladimir Putin on his re-election, this Sunday, March 17, at the head of the Russian Federation. On my own behalf and that of the Burkinabé people, I wish him every success. May this new mandate contribute to strengthening the already excellent relations between our countries for the happiness of the brave people of Burkina Faso and Russia. »

In Niger, General Abdourahamane Tiani, head of the National Council for the Safeguarding of the Homeland (CNSP), the supreme body of the junta, sends his “strong and warm congratulations as well as [his] wishes for success in the accomplishment of [his ] high and exhilarating mission” to Vladimir Putin. “Niger, which is leading a historic struggle to regain its sovereignty and its development, can count on your personal commitment and cooperation with the Russian Federation to succeed in its political struggle,” he added.

Finally, in Chad, Mahamat Idriss Déby, president of the transition, declared that “this electoral victory demonstrated the confidence that the Russian people placed in their president. The Russian people recognize in Vladimir Putin a leader capable of guiding their country towards a prosperous and stable future. » The first round of the presidential election is scheduled to take place on May 6. Mahamat Idriss Déby as well as former opponent turned prime minister Succès Masra are the main candidates.