travelers returning from high-risk areas, should be able to be called directly after landing on the Coronavirus test. The Minister of health of the countries have agreed. For it to be built at the airports in the test centres. Unlike before, however for the travelers, no costs should arise. Previously, it was possible, from high-risk areas re-enter Germany. However, only under compliance with strict rules. Thus, the returnees had to, should they can not have a negative Test show, after landing in quarantine issued. Because not all of them have kept in mind, to help the new procedures, protection from infection for the population to maintain.

Marie Lisa Kehler

Deputy Department head of the Regional section of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.

F. A. Z. Twitter

At the Frankfurt airport, such a test centre has already recorded more than a month ago the operation. The biotech company Job offers Tests for Sufficient and returnees. The cost, after all, between 59 and 139 Euro, had to wear this always been a self. Up to 30,000 people, has tested the company according to own statements in the past few weeks at the Frankfurt airport. In only 0.2 percent of the cases the result was positive.

time – and personnel-intensive

Udo Götsch, head of infectious diseases at the public health office in Frankfurt, believes that the infection numbers in the next few weeks will rise. Because now that the majority of new infections are among which would be supervised by the health Department, to travel to the returnees. Especially tourists from the Balkan region were affected. In the Frankfurt health office had started to recruit again, “staff”, as the staff says. Because the search for contact persons from Infected, particularly, if across countries are determined, and must, create often time – and personnel-intensive.

It is good. in the future, only a small percentage of positive cases that are detected by the Tests at the Frankfurt airport, in fact, the local health Department land Because it is only when the passengers are also reported in Frankfurt or in the city are stuck, for the office Action.

“these are not luxury hotels”

That travellers in Frankfurt were not allowed to leave for a few days, had happened in the past few weeks, more and more often. Because many of the returnees at the airport test, not to occur according to Götsch immediately on the trip home, but to stay after a long flight, once again in the city. You will get in these hours of the positive test result, you must not travel further. “We must ensure that the Person is not a risk any more.” The city had rented for such cases, hotel rooms to accommodate the individuals for the required quarantine period. “The are no luxury hotels,” says Götsch.

Previously, it was regulated in the state of Hesse so that returnees from areas of risk, such as the Turkey directly in the domestic quarantine had to go. With the exception of only those who could produce a negative Corona Test. This could not be older than 48 hours. This rule also retains in accordance with the decision of the Minister of health to be valid and is aimed particularly at people who come back with the car, the train or the Bus. Only after consultation with the local health Department, according to current case law, possible for the quarantine to stop for a moment to make a test center or by the house doctor on the Virus testing.