the German defence Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer (CDU) plans, according to a report in the newspaper, compensation for soldiers who have been disadvantaged in the past because of their homosexuality service legally. This should not only be on potential social benefits, credited, quoting the editors ‘ network, Germany a draft law. At the beginning of July the Ministry of defence had announced that such a design for the rehabilitation of homosexual soldiers to submit.

The new regulation aims, according to the report on discrimination to have effect up to the year 2000 inside out. A repeal of previous service of legal judgments, which are, from today’s point of view as discrimination, had been of all the Federal governments rejected. In the design of Kramp-Karrenbauer are not now repeal, but the Express rehabilitation certificates provided. All rules should also apply to former NVA soldiers.

according to The report, Kramp-Karrenbauer wants the bill on 17. Of September imagine. On the same day, a study entitled “taboo and tolerance should be introduced to the handling of the Bundeswehr with homosexuality from 1955 until the turn of the Millennium”.

homosexuality until 1969 in the Federal Republic of Germany in General, under penalty. The armed forces courts dealing with such cases, and convicted Soldiers for consensual sexual acts. Homosexual soldiers were passed over for promotion, moreover, often or even had to expect redundancies. With the Central service regulation 14/3 been completed in the year 2000, the institutional discrimination officially. It regulates have to deal with, such as German Bundeswehr soldiers with the topic of sexuality.

The compensation plans of Kramp cart Builder initiated with the approval of the Opposition. “The former dealing with homosexual soldiers is still a dark spot in the history of the Bundeswehr,” said the defense expert of the Green group in the Bundestag, Tobias Lindner, on Saturday, the AFP news Agency. Kramp cart Builder’s plans were “right” and “overdue”.

As redress for the injustice they suffered, the Affected would have to receive a solid compensation, called Lindner. “Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer is not allowed to leave it at a symbolic apology,” he said. “Where soldiers have sustained as a result of unlawful harm, there must be financial compensation.”