employees at the home office are to be protected according to the will of the Federal Minister of labour, Hubertus Heil, better in the future against excessive working hours. “We need to talk about it, what is the legal framework we need for mobile Working,” said the SPD-politician in Berlin. “Careful, we don’t have to, that it leads to the dissolution of work, the availability of round-the-clock, and work is undermined protection.”

According to a on Wednesday presented a study of the DAK-health, many workers have during the Corona-crisis Like the home office found. 76.9 percent of employees work regularly from their own apartments, want to keep this form of work in the future, at least in part.

salvation said: “The Interplay of work and life need to be more flexible possible, without sacrificing security.” He reiterated that a debate in the autumn of toast. “There is the question of whether or not we learn from the experiences of the Corona-crisis”, so healing. “We now have experienced an unintended large-scale experiment with the home office.”

to work Against a new right from home, had asked the economy Minister Peter Altmaier (CDU) in may. “We need less bureaucracy, not getting new government guarantees.”

not romantic

healing now argues, many citizens had not felt the home office as a romantic. “Where Homeschooling and home office completed had to be, was that parents are a significant imposition – I know what I’m talking about,” he said. “But others have also experienced that more flexibility is possible than in the past claimed.”

The SPD politician said, not anywhere home office was not possible. “You can’t bake as a Baker, the bread from home.” But there are other areas in which Employees wanted to be able to more mobile work from home.

According to a study by the employer near Institute of the IW worked in Germany at the end of 2018, approximately 14.8 million people in the offices. About 46 percent of the office employees worked, but in the years 2017/2018, at least occasionally, from home. In addition, 39 percent of the potential for the home office was, according to the study.

“In the issue of flexibility of working hours, we need to talk more about the life-course,” said the healing also. “Many young people want to go to a training are usually right.” When children are born, they wanted to work with the parents, often a little less. “There are also phases in which the need of leisure for themselves and for the family and more into the foreground.” Or we want to use the time for further education and training. Healing: “We need the flexibility to incorporate in life so that the work fits more to life and not Vice versa.”