The state Senate has banned for Saturday’s planned Demonstration of the conspiracy theorist Attila Hildmann. The ban was based on several investigative proceedings in connection with a Demonstration Hildmanns last weekend because of the allegation that, among other things, of incitement and threat, said Berlin’s interior Senator Andreas hostage (SPD) on Thursday. In addition, the prohibition on the failure to respect the distance based rules in previous Hildmann demonstrations.

hostage said: “The right to freedom of Assembly and expression is a very high Good of our democracy – who exploited it, but to make possible criminal Statements, and which Would occur in other people with feet, the state will face a decision.” He was glad of the evaluation of the Assembly authority, which have demonstrated significant limitations.

For the for Saturday logged-in Assembly that there had been a “significant probability” that it will once again come to criminal Statements. Because of the failure to respect minimum distances, and violations of the mask of duty there would have been also a significant health hazard.

Berlin’s culture Senator Klaus Lederer (Left) had warned on Tuesday against the trivialisation of Hildmann. “What is Attila Hildmann of itself, is no longer “only” ranting, but fire is dangerous. This fascist rhetoric instigates appropriate actions,“ he said of the editors ‘ network Germany (RND). The state protection of the Berlin police are investigating on suspicion of incitement to hatred and Trivialization of the Holocaust. Part of the investigation on suspicion of sedition is also a suspected threat to the Green politician Volker Beck, a police confirmed speaker.

The former Bundestag Deputy Beck wrote, to have a criminal complaint and a criminal complaint due to Hildmanns Comments on a Demonstration at the weekend made. “The Promise of the death penalty for my Person, my people speak to me of dignity and demoted me to a mere object, to the life on top of that humiliating and just to be taken at the end of Art,” he explained.