Bad news from the car world are Standard after a half-year, in the week of no cars and no trucks could be sold. Also, Daimler will still take years until the resulting crisis will be worked up, made the chief Executive officer of OlaKälleniusin telephone conferences with analysts and journalists. The investors are now confident that the switches are correctly set and accessed: By more than 6 percent of the price of Daimler shares rose on Wednesday morning, and reached courses beyond the 41 Euro. So much was paid for the last paper at the end of February, before it had become clear that the Corona pandemic could also be adopted outside of Asia, dramatic shapes.

Susanne Preuß

business correspondent in Stuttgart, Germany.

F. A. Z. Twitter

According to the analysts ‘ conference, dieCitigroupihre sale recommendation line, for example. By contrast, Goldman Sachs advises on the sale of the shares, the Goldman Sachs analyst George galliers specifically praises the strong cost savings: The Outlook for the vote of confidence.

More fun measures necessary

Daimler-chief, contrary to OlaKälleniussetzte the numerous rumors and speculations about the necessary savings, although no specific Figures. He clarified, however, that the austerity programme from November in addition to more significant measures would be necessary, the cost of the expected demand. While in November was for the staff to achieve a savings volume of EUR 1.4 billion cost in the Daimler group up to the year 2022 was intended to be wide due to the Corona-crisis on the horizon up to the year 2025. “We will take each year and consistently reduce overhead costs.”

With the representatives of the employees to be in constructive discussions. He think it is not useful to talk about individual actions before a result is achieved, said källenius. “In such a fundamental Transformation would be due to the terminations is always the last resort, even if the economic situation would allow, in principle,” he said, with a view to the fear that the “safeguarding the future in 2030” could be negotiable.This excludes compulsory redundancies until the end of 2029, and applies to the vast majority of Daimler employees in Germany.

The first quarter closed Daimler with a consolidated loss of EUR 1.9 billion, after a net loss of 1.2 billion euros in the previous year. The operational development reflects, however, more evident in the special effects adjusted operating profit (Ebit), which reached in the prior-year quarter, almost 2.5 billion euros, but now with a minus 708 million Euro. The group’s sales slumped in the second quarter by 29 percent to 30.2 billion, after 34 percent fewer vehicles were sold. The sale was car in the People Spare with 480.000 cars and Vans by 30 percent year-on-year, sales in the Truck sector even fell by 55 per cent to 61,000 in piece.