The day had begun for the state of Hesse’s interior Minister Peter Beuth with a damper. Prime Minister Volker Bouffier (CDU) reported in the case of the Drohschreiben in conjunction with the police, for example, the queries in the F. A. and expressed only cautious support for his party friend. Beuth was “a dedicated and successful Minister,” said Bouffier. The question of resignation does not arise. Take Beuth as a job reference, he could hardly read a One of them. Bouffier, otherwise, do not be stingy with a positive assessment of the work of his Cabinet, said clearly what had to be said, without tying themselves to the fate of Beuths.

Julian Staib

Political correspondent for Hesse, Rhineland-Palatinate and the Saarland with its headquarters in Wiesbaden.

F. A. Z. Twitter

This was last advised in severe distress, after two more Drohschreiben had been known to those queries from the police had gone to the information system. As a result, Beuth had not accused the Landeskriminalamt (LKA), to have him informed – which was not the case apparently. In the special session of the Committee on internal Affairs in the Hessian state Parliament on Tuesday he was charged. Around 60 questions were addressed the SPD, FDP and the Left of him. Beuth reported in more detail than in previous Committee meetings. He dismissed the accusation, to have incorrectly or not quickly enough acted, by itself. However, the meeting of the Committee raised further questions, which relate mainly to the Actions of the Prosecutor’s office.

Beuth reported that currently, the criminal investigation Department 69 to expect a Letter with the initials “NSU, 2.0” to the offender or the offenders. This had gone on for 28 persons and institutions in a total of eight States. In the past two weeks the number had increased “significantly”. Almost all of the Writing came from a sender address, Beuth.

In at least three cases were the threats of queries from the police information system is preceded by: In the case of the attorney-at-law Seda Basay-Yildiz, the Chairman of the Left in the Hessian state Parliament, Janine Wissler, as well as the comedian Idil Baydar. In different police in Frankfurt and Wiesbaden, the data of the Affected districts were in the process queried, which is found in the Letters. However, Beuths were there according to find also other private data from the police system – such as the phone number Wisslers.

Faeser throws Beuth “underground crisis management”

In the case of the comedian Baydar, who had been, according to Beuth in October 2019 known that a death threat was preceded by a call from the police system. But it was only in June 2020, a survey of officials at the time service was made. In the case of Wissler to be done according to the Prosecutor’s office is only now – the query is in your case since February. In both cases, there is no private information were seized, according to Beuths carrier of the officials. This had led, in the case of the lawyer, to find a group of officials sent in a Chat extreme right-wing content. There was no initial suspicion is, Beuth. Why surveys were delayed, he could not answer – he did so only in July of the operations.

The Opposition reacted with outrage. The Chairman of the SPD in the Hessian Parliament, Nancy Faeser, threw Beuth an “underground crisis management”. In the almost two years after the Arrival of the first Drohschreibens had happened “a little,” said the Parliamentary Secretary of the SPD parliamentary group, Günter Rudolph. The domestic policy spokesman of the FDP parliamentary group, Stefan Müller, also expressed, the impression is a pressing that “not strongly” determined had been.