at 9. August wants Alexandr Lukashenka, permanent ruler of Belarus since 26 years in the presidency to confirm. But his campaign is still running according to Plan, although the Regime has drawn a number of stops: Lukaschenkas most promising opponents were detained at the candidacy and part velvet comrades-in-arms detained, hundreds of Belarusians in protest actions, was detained. In spite of everything, flocked on Sunday to thousands at a rally of the woman who has become the most important against a candidate Lukaschenkas, in the Minsk international friendship Park.

Friedrich Schmidt

Political correspondent for Russia and the CIS in Moscow.

F. A. Z.

The largest opposition event in Belarus for a long time Svetlana Tichanowskaja was. The 37-year-old Translator, is the wife of the blogger Sergei Tichanowskij. He had grown up with his Youtube channel within a short time one of the leading critics of the misery in of the state of the economy and corruption paralyzed Belarus and starving for weeks due to allegations that refer to human rights activists as politically motivated, is in custody.

Tichanowskaja takes its place, “to go up to victory, for myself, for my husband, for all of us,” she said in the state radio, to which you as a candidate now access. “Should the President about the fact that he forces people to Beat a woman to love him?” Tichanowskajas is the main requirement for the choice to be admitted to the next to her and Lukashenka still two men and a woman were, are fair elections.

semblance of competition to maintain

This constellation is not get there without the approval of the regime. Lukashenka had sounded off to Tichanowskajas candidacy announcement, the Constitution of the country was not made for a woman, Belarus was not yet “ripe” for a President. Lukashenka may have seen Tichanowskaja as a weak opponent, but it is likely to be gone to get a bit of voltage, a semblance of competition.

But now Tichanowskaja of the two according to (due to restrictions due to the statement is the most powerful) surveys are promising, they prevented challengers supported by: the former Banker Viktor Babariko, who is imprisoned with his son and election campaign Manager, and of Valerij Zepkalo, a former diplomat who has not been admitted as a result of allegedly less valid supporting signatures.