the President of The financial Supervisory authority, Bafin, Felix Hufeld, looks after the Wirecard scandal, the need for reform in the regulation of technology companies. It complied with the “spirit of the European regulation”, “that promotes technology companies and Innovation,” he said of the “Welt am Sonntag”.”There are currently too many grey areas”, stated Hufeld. “The Supervisory tool box must be sharpened.”

allegations, Bafin had been in the case of Wirecard serious dereliction of duty, dismissed Hufeld. “We fulfill the tasks defined in the legislature – anything else is inadmissible in a democracy.” The authority could simply do what she wanted. “People who claim that such a fraud with a other supervision would not have been possible, sprinkle the citizens of Sand in the eyes.”

The payment service provider Wirecard had signed in the end of June, bankruptcy, after the company had to admit to that shown in the balance sheet cash of 1.9 billion euros, which were allegedly to Asian Bank accounts, were to be found. The public Prosecutor’s office Munich I, determined in the case.