The Russian figure skater Ekaterina Alexander died on Saturday at the age of only 20 years. As her coach confirmed Andrei Chekalo the French news Agency AFP, was overthrown in the Olympics in Pyeongchang in 2018 in the center of Moscow from the sixth floor of a residential building and on the site of the accident died. The Russian investigators made to the cause of the fall was initially no information.

The Russian news Agency Tass specifies, however, as a preliminary cause of death was suicide. Alexander had left a note with the words “I love”.

The pair of runner it had not managed in the strong Russian figure skating team in the national team and teamed up with the Australian runner Harley Windsor. Together, the Couple has been under the flag of Australia in 2017 Junior world champion and 2018 occupied at Olympia the 18. Place. Windsor expressed on Instagram that he was “devastated” over the sad and sudden loss.

In January of this year, Alexander received the diagnosis of epilepsy and ended their career. Previously she had suffered, according to their Coach under depression.