When the schools resume after the summer holidays, the regular operation will be prepared by the city of Frankfurt according to the education Department Sylvia Weber (SPD) on it. The experience with the nursery since 6. July, in the normally operating under pandemic conditions were good. Also, the Opening of the primary schools in the two weeks prior to the holiday had been, to the knowledge of the education Department successfully. Nevertheless, many parents asked themselves the question how it is after the holidays more.

Matthias Trautsch

editor in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

F. A. Z. Twitter

In planning for the beginning of the school year, it is safe functioning of the information chain set up, Weber said on Friday. No one could say how the infection develop done. “But we can ensure that parents are informed immediately, if there are in your school or childcare facility a Corona case and what it means for them specifically.” The education Department work closely with the daycare providers. The vote was operating during the lock downs, emergency care, holiday care, in the restricted rule, and, most recently, at the re-opening proven.

laptops for students without Computer

The Weber convened the crisis staff, representatives from the health Department, the children’s rights Alliance and the trade unions. For the parents of the city parents Committee, of the total parent Advisory Council of Kita Frankfurt and the Initiative “families in crisis” here. Especially for the protection of children and the youth at the school were involved in the case of a second wave of Infection from the beginning.

Currently, the organized labour groups of the City Supervisory school authority and the health service the processes in Detail and made arrangements for all the possible scenarios, said Weber. However, further developments must be awaited, for example, through the pending regulations of the country. 12. August, just a week before the beginning of School, will inform the town of the parents and the Public in detail. The health Department will timely provide prior to the holiday at the end of an information sheet with Instructions for infection control for families. In order to support the possible phases of the home schoolings, procure the town of about 10,000 laptops to be loaned to students who do not have a home Computer. Moreover, different video would conference-systems tested, with the goal to establish until the end of the year a uniform solution.