in addition to the long-standing Chairman of the management Board Markus Braun, the former Executive Board, Jan Marsalek is regarded as a key figure in the Wirecard scandal. However, in contrast to brown Marsalek is submerged, for the operational business of the payment service provider responsible. After he because of the accounting scandal at the 18. June free and on 22. June has been fired, his exact whereabouts are unclear. With him that could possibly explain the irregularities in the Dax-group is missing it. So where’s Marsalek?

First, the lane to Asia: According to the data of the Philippine immigration authority traveled Marsalek on September 23. June in the South-East Asian country, and on 24. June about the airport Cebu, further on to China. Then it was that Marsalek, as at 3. March was in Manila, but two days later departed how the Philippine justice Minister said Menardo Guevarra. However, the data of the entry to be fake in June, as Guevarra later remarked.

arrival in Minsk

Now there seems to be a different track that does not lead to Asia, but to Belarus. According to information from “Spiegel” and its English-speaking cooperation partners, “Bellingcat,” “The Insider” and “McClatchy Report” should Marsalek in the night from 18. June 19. June on the airport of the capital, Minsk, white Russia, his travels. A re-exit was not recorded there, which is why it is suspected that the former Wirecard Board member may continue to reside in Belarus or Russia.

Wirecard had admitted that in the annual balance sheet, the absence of 1.9 billion Euro and the money does not exist in the case of two Philippine banks, probably not. The market price of the Dax sank the group’s and the company filed for bankruptcy. In the case, the Munich public Prosecutor’s office determined I. Marsalek was the end of June, through his lawyer explain to the judicial authorities.