Silent and different than usual has been celebrated on the Saturday of the Christopher Street Day in Frankfurt. A Parade and a roaring party there was not this Time due to the Corona-protection measures, a motorcade with 53 vehicles drove through the city. After in March the program for the day had already confessed, had to pandemic be due to rescheduled. A Motto was omitted this year.

The parade began with a rally at the Roman mountain, attended by 300 participants. The Frankfurt Dezernetin for education and Integration of Sylvia Weber welcomed. The SPD politician said that the city of Frankfurt had launched a € 200,000 and doped funding program for clubs in the queer community, so that they could be enjoyed despite the lack of revenue to continue their work.

in addition, the Café Switchboard, which had suffered from the financial losses during the pandemic was, until 2028, once saved. Christian Setzepfandt of the AIDS took over the moderation of the traditional minute of silence for the victims of HIV and Aids. As always, this was accompanied by a saxophone player. The Demonstration started around 12.45 PM. Of the other participants, some ran with one of the two Ends of the train, the other stood on the edge.


to demonstrate In your own car for equal rights and to celebrate only enables you to comply with the distance rules, said Joachim Letschert member of the management Board of the Association, Christopher Street Day in Frankfurt before the event. The Association that organized the protest March and hosting, pay for the Fahrzeugkorso emission of pollutants a environmental compensation. Letschert was adopted at the rally with a lot of applause from the Board of Directors of the Association.