In the Italian left-wing coalition there is a growing dispute about the migration policy of the country. A growing group of parliamentarians of the government parties calls for an end to the cooperation with the Libyan coast guard. This is accused by human rights organizations for the violent repatriation of refugees by Boat from the Mediterranean sea in the crowded centers of Migration of the civil war country. In addition, there are in the coalition growing resentment that the Minister of the interior Luciana Lamorgese by your predecessor, Matteo Salvini by security blocking for private rescue decrees to the Port vessels has still not override.

Matthias Rüb

Political correspondent for Italy, the Vatican, Albania and Malta, based in Rome.

F. A. Z.

Lamorgese, meanwhile, demanded, after talks in Tripoli, the closure of the because of human rights abuses notorious refugee centers in Libya. The migrants from the Camps should be brought about humanitarian corridors in the EU and with the cooperation of UN organizations in safe third countries, she said. At the same time, they reaffirmed the desire of Rome to further cooperation with the Libyan coast guard in the refugee issue.