miner’s wife, what is going on at your Theater?

Simon Strauss

editor in the features section.

F. A. Z. Facebook

It is actually just very busy at the Baden state theatre, and the events to take ever more worrying forms. Peter Spuhler, our Director, has been accused by various employees of the abuse of power. The staff Council and other ensemble groups have criticized for his controlling style of leadership. Right, I think, because he has forced a lot of people with his control and choleric behavior is very hurt. That’s why I understand the three hundred employees who demonstrated yesterday before the meeting of the Board of Directors. A discussion was initiated about the leadership structure of the house, I think, in principle, good. However, All the adopts in my eyes now the shape of a man-hunt.

in addition to the abuse of power, a high turnover within the workforce, and many Burnout cases is also of sexual harassment in the speech. What’s up with that?

An Executive officer is repeatedly accused of sexual harassment. Whether a initial suspicion and investigation must be included, is being tested in so-called pre-investigation from the public Prosecutor’s office. At the Moment the Affected person is set free. As long as the investigations are on-going is, of course, the presumption of innocence. But if the allegations are confirmed, such an Offense as compared to the protection must be ordered to be punished, of course, strictly.

you are for two years at the house. Sentiment deteriorated only in the past few months?

I know Peter Spuhler for many years and appreciate him as a artistic consultant. I was happy when I got two years ago, the Chance to lead with an all-female leadership team, the acting and a new way of Thinking and action mechanism a try. At the beginning we had a lot of freedoms, but this has changed gradually, because not every production was a success with the public. In the past one and a half years, there was always more pressure on our industry and on us as a management team. The freedom and the joy were lost.