In large German cities are parties in the public space of the Problem. Hundreds of mostly young people gather to follow the distance rules, or to wear masks. The cities see the risk of a mass infection with the Corona virus. Several cities have stepped up their efforts to celebrate stem.

In Frankfurt, many people come especially to the Party Hotspots. So celebrated in the last week, up to 2500 people on the Central Opera square. A spokesman for the authority said the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung” (F. A. S.), it was not because of the sheer number of celebration possible, to enforce the rules, which apply since Corona. In addition, many of the party were visitors to the city police to aggressively.

the problems are not only the violations of the Corona-rules. The city complains about “huge” amounts of Waste, shattered glass bottles, which were used with increasing alcohol level as projectiles, game urinator, which is not only in green plants, but also to the Old Opera house urine, and noise.

This week, a 10-point program was developed to ensure improvement, including more city police, additional trash containers, so-called garbage ambassadors, the celebrants to raise awareness of the Problem, and parental controls. A block of the square should be avoided; because there are legal obstacles; on the other, because it is feared that the people might be somewhere else and the Problem is thus only shifted.

residence ban on the Cologne place

The city of Cologne, has argued for the Central Brussels, place weeks ago, a residence ban for between 18 and 6 o’clock. A spokeswoman for the city said the F. A. S. have proven its value. It had been the end of June, extended, initially until the 3. August. A spokeswoman for the city said, you do not have done considered, such a ban on other places to expand, this but yet. However, other Hotspots have developed, where hundreds of Revellers come together. To say, please keep your distance, would not have responded the people.