Pay a lot of people cold. Unless it is a round number. The German stock index, the brand of 12,000, he receives much more attention than 11.980 points. This is transferred to the Corona-pandemic in the state of Hesse, could provide a number for attention. Since the beginning of the records to this disease, more than 11,000 are now infections confirmed to become known. In the night of Wednesday Hesse has exceeded this threshold, because the health authorities have reported to the Robert Koch Institute 27 for more Covid-19-cases.

Thorsten Winter

business editor and Internet coordinator of the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

F. A. Z. Twitter

The 27 shows, however: The jump over the 11,000 is a statistical value above all. Because of the increase since Tuesday is absolutely and relatively low. He is a good 0.2 percent and is in line with the growth rates for the days before. It is also gratifying that no further event of death became known. So it remains, according to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) officially at 512 Corona-Sacrifice.

for further details of the RKI 10.200 Covid-19-patients are now considered to be recovered. This is approximately 100 more than on Tuesday. On a case of death by almost 20 Convalescent now. 300 infections are considered to be not over yet. The are about 70 less than before.

As in this country to control the disease responsible RKI of the F. A. Z. said, it will collect data on the number of Recovering not officially. The survey was also not provided for in the law. “However, one can assume that at least in the cases where the most information has been determined, had no severe symptoms, and were not admitted to hospital, the fact that you are at the latest to recover after 14 days”, – is spoken in Berlin. The RKI guess the number of Recovering.

The Ministry of social Affairs published a daily Overview of the Corona development, broken down by cities and districts. It refers to the Numbers of the RKI. Until a few days ago, it also took into account data of the Hessian land testing and Untersuchungsamts in the healthcare sector, the government Presidium of Giessen, the health agencies must report new cases. To achieve consistency, the Ministry of the RKI information.