The Front is wider. Many big brands want to for the time being, do not advertise on the Facebook platforms. No Coffee from Starbucks, no jeans view more of Levi’s, Drinks from Coca Cola and no more Ads of numerous Unilever products.

Gustav Theile

editor in the economy.

F. A. Z. Twitter

At the beginning of the boycott was ignored call to investors, the share price rose to a full-page newspaper advertisement by civil rights organisations that have launched the protest campaign “#Stophateforprofit” in front of almost two weeks into life, at first. Since advertising heavyweights have joined, it has lost more than 10 percent, on Monday it went downhill again. On Friday alone, the market value declined to 56 billion dollars according to Bloomberg, founder Mark Zuckerberg lost mathematically 7 billion dollars.

The call for a boycott hits Facebook where it can be painful: when it comes to money. The group makes almost all of its revenue from advertising, last year, around 70 billion dollars. Because in spite of the criticism for a long time on Facebook, is remained the advertising industry, the social media faithful. Advertising expenditure Hiking in the digital channels, sales of Internet advertising are steadily increasing. Especially Facebook and Google benefit.

marketing without advertising

if you Listen to now in the industry, it seems that the doubts would grow. Several aspects come together: on the one Hand, the current Boycott brings out Karsten recalls Göbel of the advertising Agency, Super an der Spree, “positive Publicity”, a “love a little worse for wear effect”. The often positive coverage about the Boycott on the weight of the lower reach on Facebook, and completely free.

to quantify the value that is compared to how much advertising money you have to spend to achieve the same range: In an estimate for the F. A. Z., the American analysis firm Critical Mention, estimates of the advertising effect of the global boycott reports for Coca-Cola to 194 million, for Starbucks to 160 million, and for the Outdoor brand The North Face to $ 218 million.

“Negative range”

on the other hand, seems to be growing scepticism of whether the environment of Advertising on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter really so attractive. Although you can precisely control who sees which ads. However, up to 70 percent of people under the age of 40 would have “brands is critical to advertise in the environment of hate messages or defamatory content,” says Florian Adamski, chief of OMD, the largest media Agency in the world, the controls for advertisers to use the advertising budget. “We speak in this context of ‘negative range’,” adds Adamski.