With a Declaration of love the Green of the CDU in this newspaper of 75. Happy birthday. Because Christ provided the Democrats with a “clear compass” as a matter of course for Europe, good relations with America and the liberalisation of society, would have been able to enter the Green all the more determined for more the pace of reform and the Ecology, says the leading Duo Baerbock and Habeck.

If the love of the so potential recruits to the coalition in the Federal government leads, it will show in 2021. The CDU has not cleared only in the field of climate policy, many of the items that would be in conflict with the. The former Eco-shows, in turn, are also in the draft of their new policy programme is always flexible in economic and social policy. She avoids provocative definitions of higher tax rates.

The goal, however, remains clear: The Greens are working on the Expansion of the state space to the detriment of private entrepreneurial game. You can grind here a bit of the property rights, filing there at the competition, pay homage to patronage. This is the wrong direction for a country that has to struggle for the pandemic to its prosperity.