A key figure in the billion scandal to the insolvent Dax-listed company Wirecard may be living in China. According to the data of the Philippine immigration authority, traveled to the former Wirecard Board, Jan Marsalek on Tuesday in the South-East Asian country, and on Wednesday about the airport Cebu, further on to China. However, the video recordings of the airport showed that Marsalek have to leave the country, said Minister of justice Menardo Guevarra on Thursday the TV channel CNN Philippines.

The Manager was in the Wirecard Board member for the operational day to day business, and last Monday, without notice, been made redundant. The Munich public Prosecutor’s office for weeks against Marsalek, former Chairman of the Board, Markus Braun and two other incumbent Board members on suspicion of false information to investors. In addition, marsalek and brown should answer according to previous findings, because of an accounting fraud.

The accounting firm EY, which examined the balance sheet of Wirecard, of a comprehensive fraud with several parties around the world. Wirecard unveiled on Thursday at the Munich district court a bankruptcy petition. The company had given to the alleged air bookings in the amount of 1.9 billion euros, which is why the Board of Directors for the coming week is expected with the termination of loans in the billions.