It must be a mistake, that the CDU is 75, you must be always been to. How can a party until 75 years of age, but alone of Helmut Kohl eternally Chancellor was? How can you win a party in 1957 with the Slogan “No experiments” a Federal election, if they should have been just twelve years old?

So as we always want to be something, you are always been something. You are something of the institutionalized ruling party, the basic supply in the Chancellery, the Bayern Munich of the policy. It already belongs to something, to print on a election poster of Helmut Kohl, “world class for Germany,” or to win a Federal election with the sentence: “you know me.”

It took a few years, until we have recognized, as the parties behind the political (cultural)battle at the other party’s properties, such as binding and good interaction with each other as virtues in the political contest. While we have wrestled all night long over the political content and a fight, have you ruled just. While you thought maybe, with the constitutional mandate of the political education want to overdo it as the party of the Greens, we have asked ourselves one Time or another, whether the you want to education, or more time-delayed will is collection. But somehow, we, who have come up and challenge you for years with our urge to get the world to Dance – and maybe also with a small slope to arrogance have admired Your self – understanding in dealing with political Power clandestinely, however.

We both became Born in 1980 and 1969 and with the apparent safety that the are together the countries of Europe-the close relationship between the democracies on both sides of the Atlantic, and the progressive liberalisation of our democratic societies, of course. Even more decisively, we were able to stand up for more, the pace of reforms and for more Ecology, and what you else everything is much too short came. Today, we know that there is no automatism of history set the coordinates, but the clear compass of the CDU.

In good times, it was the CDU always a guarantee of stability and reliability. And even if these terms were not placed in the cradle, we have learned to appreciate their value for the policy. This applies all the more, as times have changed and the many crises – climate crisis, a crisis of liberal democracy, increasing nationalism and authoritarianism – to the world, our country, the influence of society, destructive, unsettling. We are convinced – and this is what distinguishes us from you – that in these times just basic changes create support and security.

What unites us is the idea that as the parties to be an amalgamation of different people and groups that share the same basic values and self-understanding, as to assume active citizens to take responsibility for society. What is the Union is us, the Alliance. Your Foundation was at the time, Catholics and Protestants in the post-war period together. In Your first basic program you have provided for many years later the Dignity and freedom of the people in the center – something that connects us all. But mind you: “of the people”, not only of the Christian people, or of the fifth Generation of the German people. Today would be a good time to build it again, especially in the diverse society that has become our country and not seems to be a matter of course.