The corona-related quarantine for a residential complex in Göttingen with about 700 residents is completed. The undertaking was to run on schedule at midnight, and said a city spokesman said on Friday morning. The fence will be mined on a page currently. On another street, the fence is still standing – there’s A find – and outlet controls to ensure that individual residents, for which a quarantine is compulsory, the terrain will not leave. Until Tuesday, it should be twice a day free meals.

the aim of the quarantine was to limit the infection’s outbreak, with around 120 proven infection. The measures have been effective, said the Director of the göttingen-based crisis unit, Petra Broistedt, on Thursday. Lower Saxony’s Prime Minister Stephan Weil (SPD) had praised the crisis management of the city.

on the whole, been carried out of the city, according to the 600 second tests. Only four other people in a positive test result had therefore. It was to contact persons Infected in the family environment. According to the city, the people live in conditions precarious, the apartments are only 19 to 39 square metres in size – some families are with four children.

The residential complex was in view of the many infections on the 18. June quarantined. Previously, it was already in a high-rise building in Göttingen, the Iduna-complex to come to a larger Corona outbreak.