It sounds like the Plot of a police series With an in-house “Counterfeit Crimes Unit”, in order to proceed to the Online retailers in the future, against product counterfeits on its platform. The unit aims to advance the legal prosecution of counterfeiters moving forward, in violation of laws and company policies and ensure that they just disappear from Amazon’s platform, but also be held accountable. You must assist law enforcement authorities in their work.

Roland Lindner

economic correspondent in New York.

F. A. Z. Twitter

In your work, you want data from Amazon and also information from external sources, such as payment service providers make use of. The group is led by a longtime employee of the U.S. Department of justice, which has recently switched to Amazon. You will start according to the company, with a small number of employees, but should be expanded in the future, also in Europe, have a presence.

product forgeries make the Online trading for years – this applies to Amazon and other providers. “These counterfeiters are highly motivated,” and to proceed against them, had said “easier said than done,” said Dharmesh Mehta, a for “customer confidence” competent Vice President of Amazon, journalist at the launch of the new initiative.

in response to increase of cases

According to the American government has increased tenfold the number of seizures of counterfeit Goods at the border of the country between 2000 and 2018, more than. Amazon has often been criticized for doing too little to combat plagiarism. Peter Navarro, the trade representative of the President, Donald Trump, said the newspaper “Washington Post” recently the group facilitated counterfeiters the craft, although he would be able to stop such practices.