Because the infection numbers have gone so far back, must go by Monday in Hessen and more people in the shops. A customer per ten square metres of retail space. But on Sundays any more. The Prime Minister, the Latter was on Thursday, as he announced further progress in the Corona-crisis, not more than a marginal note. The special permit for an Opening on the seventh day from the course of this weekend, he said. For an exception to the General rules there given the favourable development of the Corona-crisis-no reason.

Helmut Swan

head of the Regional section of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.

F. A. to understand, for example,

this pandemic paradox, one must fall back in the turbulent history of the Hessian of the German shop closing law, Pardon, of the loading opening act, as it is called since a few years, the optimistic note due to. Several state governments have failed with the attempt to liberalise the strict Sunday ban, which allows in the year, the municipality only four exceptions. Economic officials were in a row before the courts against the trade Union Verdi and Church groups forged “Alliance for the free Sunday” bloody noses, if they wanted to give retailers more sales opportunities.

Out of desperation, took on the trade finally, almost all such Attempts. Because even the best-selling dates in Frankfurt on the weekends to the International automobile exhibition as well as during the book fair and the Museum embankment festival, had removed the dishes, not to mention the various neighborhood festivals throughout. The risk that the investments in advertising and personnel would be in vain, it was too big.

The atmosphere must be “formative” be

The conflict is just in the state of Hesse of a fundamental nature. Simplified, it is a question, what are the exceptions in the Constitution guaranteed peace bid allows for the Sunday. The shop opening law of the state of Hesse granted in Paragraph 6, such only “on the occasion of markets, fairs and festivals”. In November 2015, the Federal administrative court had made it clear how to understand.

The event as such, not related to the opportunity on a Sunday to shop, must be for the atmosphere of “embossing”. Only an exception to the basic statutory silence could bid on the seventh day justify. “Cause” should, therefore, be a major event, the tripping out of a significant flow of visitors. The fair, the Feast itself, so the judge had to be the “main thing”, the keeping Open of sale set on a Sunday could only “side effect”. The Hessian Ministry of social Affairs has been made with this view, his peace. On its website is to read, the closing bid on Sundays and public holidays guarantee against the Background of a Christian-Occidental Tradition, the Constitution offered Sunday and holiday protection, and “contributes in its effects is not negligible for improving the compatibility of family and profession”.

the Minister Kai Klose (The Greens) want to cart a small push. The controversial law, the term “occasion” is to be supplemented with a “special local event”. This is such a great sport event with a lot of visitors – whenever the will also be possible again.

The “new normal” in times of Corona, of the currently much talked about, is what the debate about the sale open Sundays as days, now back to the old one. Purely in terms of its legal and easy to justify. The permission to open from 13 to 18 PM, was done at the beginning of the crisis, by regulation in accordance with the infection protection act. The supply of the population with food products should be backed up, shopping flows should be distributed in order to reduce the risk of Infection.