In street battles in the center of Stuttgart, several police were injured in the night of Sunday, officials. “The Situation is completely out of control,” said a police spokesman on Sunday morning. Hundreds of people broke shop Windows and shops looted, forces were pelted with bottles and cobblestones.

shortly before midnight, was rocking the situation in the vicinity of the Palace square “up”, where on the weekend, the police spokesman, according to always many people stop. It came to clashes, in which around 500 people have been involved to be. According to police, many violent small groups had been on the road.

The local police requested the assistance of the colleagues from the Federal police. In addition, all available forces from Baden-Württemberg had been requested, as it was called. The backgrounds of the attack were initially unclear. Only at 03: 00 a.m. the situation was under control. Could the reasons behind the police make no statements can be made.