After a dispute with two injured in Rüsselsheim police are now after two offenders. “Intensive search measures have not led so far to your Take,” said the police Bureau of the United States on Saturday and called on witnesses to report. In the case of the two Wanted to be men. First of all, the officials were assumed to be only of an offender.

On Friday evening, a man and a woman in Rüsselsheim with a knife were injured. Public Prosecutor’s office and criminal investigation of an attempted homicide. The twenty-year-old was hard, the twenty-five year old “less seriously” injured, as it was called. Preceded by a discussion on the open road, the current knowledge suggests that the four people involved have been supposed to be was gone.

Also on Saturday, the background facts were still unclear. During the search, a helicopter was in use. Several callers had informed the police via emergency call.