The American President occurred on Saturday evening in Tuzla, in the state of Oklahoma in front of thousands of supporters, the event hall was, but Many of the seats in the 20,000 participants-designed BOK Center remained empty. A scheduled appearance Trumps in front of the Arena, where those supporters should gather in the hall no place, was cancelled. Of course, on a big screen and a stage were set up was as good as empty. Trump’s campaign team had to admit that fewer participants appeared as expected. Campaign spokesman Tim Murtaugh made “radical demonstrators” and the media are responsible: they had tried to make the supporters of the President “scared”.

“We start our election campaign,” said Trump welcomed his followers at the beginning of his speech as a “warrior”. These had received him previously with “USA, USA, USA”Call. Against demonstrators who had gathered near the event hall, described the President as “thugs”. With a view to demonstrations after the death of the African-American George Floyd after a brutal police action Trump spoke repeatedly of the “anarchists” and “looters”.

Sharp attacks drove Trump is also against the designated presidential candidate of the Democrats, Joe Biden, in the choice of the 3. November will challenge. The former Vice President was going to give a “helpless puppet of the radical Left”, the “looters and foreigners without valid papers” have more rights than law-abiding Americans.

Six members of trump’s campaign team positive

Trump had tested on the months of the Coronavirus-lock downs quickly re-election campaign events, although the United States still every day hundreds of people to Covid-19 die. Around 120,000 people are there already to the consequences of a Coronavirus infection died – more than in any other country in the world. The re-election Trumps in Tulsa met with so much criticism up to now: health experts fear when thousands of people come to a hall, a large number of new infections.

shortly before the appearance of six members of trump’s campaign team have tested positive for the novel Coronavirus. They had been been part of the advance team and placed in quarantine, said the Director of communications of trump’s campaign team, Tim Murtaugh, on Saturday.

the “slowing down of Tests” as a joke?

Trump himself wore, as usual, no mask in his appearance, as only the least of his followers. Participants of the rally had to explain but at the time of registration and agree that the election campaign organizers may not be for a Covid-19-illness and the possible consequences liable.