A character that is all, now you have to see if it works. Incitement to hatred and insult have long been punishable, even on the net. But there are also quite gaps, at least in the enforcement of existing Law. And the public power, the views and hate speech can have in “social media”, has a new quality.

That extremists of all kinds on the Internet is easier and radicalize can network, also speaks to new rules, especially since a series of murderous attacks had their origin in the network. It is also right to take the platforms in the duty. The state must also have the will, the cases of your variety to pursue.

It remains, of course, important, and a challenge to the case-law that any tightening of criminal law, freedom of expression, not in the back falls down. Well, that the Federal constitutional court is to be held just been this time in addition, the American President is again striking, and also in France, the right to freedom of expression, for clarity: It would be for the freedom of expression, “particularly detrimental” if, prior to an Utterance of each word on the pan put to be.

It is always on the circumstances, also on the width effect. Some of the course, which is secreted in the network, makes in-depth considerations are expendable – it is a clear breach of human dignity.