The Union wants to give up their concerns against the basic pension is final. The law out of the house Minister of labour, Mr Hubertus Heil (SPD) wants you to agree in the Bundestag at the beginning of July, although in the group of the criticism of the financing and the design of the income test is not silenced. Union faction leader Ralph Brinkhaus (CDU) penetrates to an adoption before the summer break.

Kerstin Schwenn

business correspondent in Berlin.

F. A. Z.

This is also the meaning of the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel. She has repeatedly made it clear that it is not working in the project because they fear that a repeated Failure of the Union would be blamed. With the premium on the retirement of those should be in the age better, the worked for at least 33 years of contributions paid, the children educated, or members have maintained. to bring

the basic pension under the roof, the Union, on a clear against financing. It is provided only funding “from the Federal budget”. Finance Minister Olaf Scholz (SPD) had actually asked the prospect to meet a significant part of the cost of 1.3 billion euros in the year through a new financial transaction tax. Their introduction is not imminent, however.

the basic pension does not eliminate the poverty in old age

The CDU member of Parliament Christoph Ploß warns of the threat of buckling. “Sustainable funding of a European financial transaction tax was the condition for the introduction of the basic pension. If this commitment is not met, there can be no consent of the Bundestag for it,“ said Ploß of the F. A. Z. on Friday in Berlin. “Otherwise, additional financial burdens would come to the young Generation, the need to remove due to the Corona-crisis is already a huge mountain of debt.” The waiver of the solid financing and disregarded also the CDU party Congress decision in November.

Also Union group Vice Carsten Linnemann reiterated his criticism: “This amount eliminates the Problem of old-age poverty, but a new justice to tear gaps,” he said of the F. A. Z. “, With an allowance in the base backup, we would have Packed the root of the Problem and exactly which helped the need in the age of our support.”