AfD-Chef Jörg Meuthen, following the court’s decision to the dispute on the party membership of Andreas Kalbitz left. “It’s kind of a grace period,” he said on Friday evening in the ZDF”heute journal” for an urgent decision of the Berlin regional court, according to Kalbitz remains for the time being, AfD member. This is according to the court, until the decision of the AfD-the Federal arbitration court in the matter. “We are very confident that we will get, in the main, right,” said Meuthen.

Kalbitz had been excluded in the middle of may because of the allegations from the AfD, in the case of his party membership in the forbidden right of entry in March 2013 to have extreme “homeland-faithful German youth” concealed. He denies such membership, however. The Berlin district court complained in its decision, the AfD had not followed the party to the exclusion of the in the party act, “prescribed procedures”.

Meuthen appeared in the ZDF, however, convinced that the narrowly fallen decision of the Federal Board of arbitration before the Federal court will have stock. He “it is with great certainty that it will follow our reasoning, because the slash – and-stitch is”.

It was, above all, Meuthen, the Kalbitz’ party exclusion had operated. Despite the court decision, he sees himself firmly in the saddle: “I have said a clear majority in the party behind me,” he said.

Höcke: AfD working Federal Board

Violently Meuthen was attacked again from Thuringia, the AfD-Chef Björn Höcke. needs “For the third Time in our very young party history one of our Federal speaker wants to make parts of the party silenced, or even from the party to urge,” wrote Höcke on Friday night to Facebook and played with it on the predecessor Meuthens, Frauke Petry and Bernd Lucke. Meuthen hinder and destroy the work of the party. “This must end,” wrote Höcke. You need a working and some Federal Executive Board.

the former Brandenburg state party chief Kalbitz and the national Association of Höcke found words of praise: “it Would be in our party everywhere in the state of Brandenburg or Thuringia, we could all work in peace and content, our structures consolidate.”