intended to be Under the impression of nationwide protests against racism and police violence in America, many people, the end of slavery more than 150 years ago. At demonstrations on the occasion of “Juneteenth”-remembrance showed TV pictures of meetings in cities such as Chicago or Washington. Alone in the East coast metropolis of New York, thousands of people took part at several places on foot and on bicycles took part in demonstrations against discrimination and for equality.

“Juneteenth”, is also “Freedom Day” is every year on the 19. June. On this date in 1865 – shortly after the American civil war had been proclaimed, a corresponding proclamation in Texas, the end of slavery. This year Holocaust remembrance day is under the impression of the country-wide mass protests after the death of the African-American George Floyd at the end of may in Minneapolis.

From 2021 holiday in New York

In New York, the usual parade Harlem was because of the Corona of a pandemic, however, in the quarter. Mayor Bill de Blasio announced at a press conference that “Juneteenth” by next year, is a holiday in the city and then, for example, schools remain closed. The metropolis is following the state of New York and some other US States.

“While our country deals with the racial problems we still have, it is important to remember that we are a global community,” said First Lady Melania Trump in a video message. All the differences that there is between people should be celebrated.

the Ex-President, Barack Obama, wrote on Twitter that the 19. June is a Celebration of the progress: “It is a confirmation that in spite of the painful parts of our history changes are possible – and there is still so much to do.”