puffs Who stands at an ATM machine, on many labels with information for a smooth transaction. Time it comes to relevant information, as the map is to introduce changes to the Limit, you will be reminded in a friendly way, in the end, neither map nor Notes stuck allow. Winston Friday has expanded the field of the information to a personal request. With a metal shield, which he stuck directly next to the keypad of a vending machine in his house in Köln-Nippes, the musicians are in a particularly difficult “customers”group: “dear Criminals, please don’t blow up these ATMs. It is a bedroom.“

The shield is a year old – Friday, mounted it, as the machine was installed in the exterior facade, but only after a report in a tabloid newspaper which only superficially funny thing went viral. Because the deadly serious Background to the action of the long-running rampage gangs-mainly from the Netherlands coming. A, sometimes several explosive attacks on ATMs in the state of Rhineland-Palatinate, Hesse, lower Saxony, and especially in North Rhine-Westphalia there are currently night. The perpetrators are regardless of passers-by or local residents. So like on Tuesday morning in Ratingen near Düsseldorf. The force of the Explosion was so big that window – and facade parts were thrown up to 20 meters away on the opposite side of the street. People did not come to harm. This is not always so. In a similar attack in April, in Bonn, two injured residents.

Now, more and more banks are trying to protect their machines with ventilation systems that make use of a blow up with Gas, or with misting systems. The money Institute, which operates the vending machines in Fridays the house, relies on the method of color cartridge and I also, of course, the note sticker message: “Our money be colored stocks in a Robbery with ink and are therefore worthless.”