On Monday, have been waiting for, interested in new information on the status of the new infections in the state of Hesse and the number of Corona-sacrifice in vain. A data breach was the reason for this is That in disease control leading the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) had received no Pay from the state of Hesse, as it is announced. Now new data are available. Accordingly, 47 new Covid have been reported in 19 cases and four more Corona-victims.

good news: with the exception of ten counties, also in Darmstadt, in the important 7-day incidence now has a white vest. At this value, it’s about the new cases among 100,000 inhabitants within a week. The incidence exceeds the value of the brand 50, can take back the competent authorities re-loosening.

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test A question is now clear: in The Morning, remained an open question whether these Figures for the RKI can only relate to the messages from Monday, or whether they also include data from Sunday. Against 14 PM Ministry reported the social: “in today’s report, Hesse Figures shown are therefore the sum of the Figures reported by the 14.06.2020 and 15.06.2020.”

As it is, since the beginning of the pandemic 10.371 infections confirmed were reported. The increase for Sunday is good at 0.4 percent. 495 deaths related to the pandemic officially complain to. Approximately 9600 patients apply to the Institute as recovered. This number is compared to the Monday to be unchanged. On Sunday, the talk was of 9500 have been. Mathematically 19,4 Convalescent come on a death case. The ratio deteriorated due to the four new victims easily.

Hersfeld-Rotenburg at the end of the table

In the case of the 7-day incidence of the counties bergstraße, casting, high Taunus, Lahn-Dill, Main-Kinzig, Marburg-Biedenkopf, in the Odenwald region, Schwalm-Eder, bird mountain, and the Werra-Meßner, as well as Darmstadt, a white vest. Although infections in the past seven days are available for five of these circles, but are not statistically significant. The worst incidence value of the Hersfeld-Rotenburg, with 12 to 14 cases within a week. All the other circles and the four other cities are under 5.

With a view on the number of Convalescent but note the following limitation: such As the RKI and the F. A. Z. said, it will collect data on the number of Recovering not officially. The survey was also not provided for in the law. “However, one can assume that at least in the cases where the most information has been determined, had no severe symptoms, and were not admitted to hospital, the fact that you are at the latest to recover after 14 days”, – stated in Berlin at the headquarters of the Institute. The RKI guess the number of Recovering only.