The words with which Holger Matt occurs shortly before nine o’clock in front of the cameras, are significantly. “It was a cold-blooded planned, insidious foul and cowardly crime of the most sinister of motives.” The face of the lawyer is serious. It is clear that on this day, a task begins, which is mainly used for its clients. Matt is representing the family of the alleged right-wing extremist murdered Walter Lübcke.

Anna-Sophia Lang

editor in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

F. A. Z.

this Tuesday morning in the trial against the defendants, Stephan E., and Markus, H. Lübckes wife and the two sons begins have decided, after long deliberation, the charge of the office of the attorney General to join as a co-plaintiff at the hearing. In the courtroom, only feet from the men, the Lübcke on the terrace of his home with a shot to the head killed far to have.

The statement to the press one hour before the start of the process, the Lübckes leave it to your lawyer and the spokesman for the family. To a day in front of a bunch of cameras would simply be too much. The Belief, however, with the help of which you face the process, is fixed. “We, as a co-plaintiff want to make our contribution to the elucidation of the crime and at the sentencing,” said lawyer Matt. The participation of the family should, according to spokesman Dirk Metz puts it, a clear Signal in two ways. One of the ties to Walter Lübcke: his values, his Christian and social Convictions, his commitment to the rule of law, “for he is his life occurred”. And against hatred and violence: “The family wants to show, that we must not fall silent. The need to raise his voice.“

a Signal against hatred and violence

the representative of the Federal Prosecutor Dieter Killmer, highlights a short time later in front of journalists, that this process has a special meaning. He speaks of “considerable dimensions”, “just at the present time”. The Federal Ombudsman is convinced that E. H. had committed the murder with racist and xenophobic motives and to punish the positive attitude of the politician refugees wanted. E. consider a homogeneous society is desirable, and I’ve seen Lübcke as someone who stood in the way of that, says Killmer. H. had, in turn, is encouraged. e., by making with him to shooting practice and went to demonstrations.

Nature, the interest of journalists and their audiences is huge. But because there is due to the Corona-crisis, only 19 of the press seats in the hall and in a second hall, just a sound, let a lot of media already on the eve of paid placeholders in the rain waiting in line. Many a Journalist can’t resist the urge to do so, as he had stood there. Other recognize on your arrival, that you have no Chance of a place in the hall, and stand in the queue for the audience, of which only 18 are allowed inside. Ugly scenes, which are also a consequence of the decision of the higher regional court, a few seats and no video transmission to offer. OLG President Roman Poseck is so busy the whole morning in order to explain in front of cameras and microphones, that had not an evil will, but Corona protection and legal requirements. Fact is: anyone Who is not in the morning because, hardly has a Chance to report adequately on this process that is so important for the German society, and the question could be why do they act in spite of the NSU-terror and supposedly Lessons learned, again the extreme Right under the Radar of the authorities.

the Fact that many of the responses from the process hope. Begins but first of all with the requests of the four defenders. It takes hours until the indictment is read out. E. s defender Frank Hannig and Mustafa Kaplan step then in front of the outside remaining journalists. “We defend people, not deeds,” says Hannig, Dresden lawyer with Political Connections. “We are not here out of sympathy or antipathy.” He speaks of trust in a rule-of-law judgment, in any instance whatever. This, he says, will have to accept at the end of the defense. “A guilty verdict or an acquittal.”