Due to abuses in breeding and court cases, the treatment of farm animals entered and operated increasingly in the public consciousness. For example, the decision of the Federal administrative court of 2019 to the inadmissibility of killing “surplus” – as for egg production and fattening of the useless male Chicks. Thereafter, the current practice of this so-called chick schredderns is against the law. The animal welfare act required “reasonable cause” for the killing of animals should not be solely economic in nature. At the same time, however, should remain to the previous procedure for a transitional period allowed. But also to movement-impairing the keeping of breeding sows in the Case maintenance is increasingly an issue.

Heike Schmoll

Political correspondent in Berlin, responsible for the “formation of worlds”.

F. A. Z.

In his in Berlin on Tuesday presented opinion on “animal welfare-respect – To the responsible use of animals” means the Council of ethics, the current state of breeding, rearing, slaughter and exploitation for the conditions in which animals are routinely inflicted pain and suffering, not only legally, but also ethically questionable, and calls for a series of practical reforms.

The ethics Council is aware that this “is associated with significant changes, adjustments and cost increases”, and for vertices. The higher orders of animals would lead to a value of its own that to would your special protection and a special responsibility to the people. He put human interests limits to be exceeded in the current practice from the point of view of the ethics Council, however, as a rule. Animal welfare should, therefore, be considered as a far-reaching obligation.