The Fraport Skyliners have to fear at the final tournament-the German Basketball championship to move into the quarter-finals. In the Munich Arena, the Frankfurt documents on Saturday Bamberg 83:99. In their fourth game, it was the first encounter for the hessians, they were without a real chance to win.

The half-time break, were the Skyliners 36:58, after the third quarter, 66:84. The further Cut of the Frankfurt, which were set in the upper Franconia in the first half, physically, significantly below, now depends on, like on Monday, the duel between Bamberg and Vechta out. In the case of the Hessian, which are then free of play, a win against Vechta and three defeats in the group financial statements balance sheet.

In the case of point equality of two or more teams would first decide the basket difference. In this respect, the high failure against Bamberg was not helpful. A big Nuisance for the Frankfurter their meager free throw percentage (64) was therefore. The Skyliners sentences of 25 throws is only 16.

The Frankfurter, which Quantez Robertson were 13 and Gytis Masiulis with 11 points, the best thrower, would have at least “tried, in the second-half fight-back,” said the 19-year-old building player Maximilian Begue. Head coach Sebastian Gleim, had to once again do without the injured Starting-Five player Lamont Jones and Leon scratch, gave the young players plenty of playing time.