time and place for Trumps rally were to fall against the Background of the protests against racism and police violence in the United States after the death of the African-American George Floyd in the criticism.

next Friday (19. June) it is committed in the U.S., “Juneteenth” the day of the end of slavery is commemorated. Tulsa was also in 1921, the scene of a massacre by a white Mob in the black population. Historians view this as the worst clash between White and Blacks in the United States after the end of the civil war. Hundreds of people were killed.

On the choice of the date and location for the rally, in many cases the criticism was loud. For example, the democratic Senator Kamala Harris accused the Republicans Trump, to encourage Right-wing extremists. Trump said in the night to Saturday, “many of my African-American friends and supporters” would have proposed to change the date out of respect for “Juneteenth”. With the shift come the to.

Trump wrote, more than 200’000 supporters have already applied for Tickets for the event in Tulsa. “I’m looking forward to seeing all of you in Oklahoma!” Trump was rejected on Friday during an Interview broadcast on allegations that he had chosen the date deliberately. The President – of applies to the election in November to a second term – said the channel Fox News: “My rally is a Celebration.”

The death of George Floyd has sparked in the US, protests and a debate on racism and police violence. Trump has condemned Floyd’s death several times, and the right to peaceful demonstrations, and stresses. He is, however, not be accused to have a clear position against racism and did not show enough understanding for the anger about discrimination and injustice in the country.

Floyd was on 25. May in a brutal police operation in Minneapolis (Minnesota) have been killed. A white officer had pushed the 46-Year-old, his knees almost nine minutes in the back of the neck – despite Asking Floyd to get him to breathe. The investigator accused the police then, among other things, for murder in the second degree. Three more of the operation involved police officers were prosecuted.

Trump had a campaign event at the 2. March in Charlotte, North Carolina held. Thereafter, the Corona had a made-crisis rallies impossible. The pandemic is not over in the USA. In some US States, there are new eruptions with partially strong increase in the number of infections. Trump’s campaign team points out that in the case of diseases as a result of the visit of rallies, no liability is accepted.