He is in top shape. And even in better shape than it was before the Lockdown. Cristiano Ronaldo (35) is eager to be back on the court. The obligatory Fitness-Check at the beginning of June, he has cut off “excellent”. His results show that He is even fitter than before the Corona time. (VIEW reported)

tonight he may ran again. With Juventus Ronaldo denies in Milan, the semi-finals of the Coppa Italia against Milan (first leg 1:0). Just before this big match Juve-coach Maurizio Sarri but for excitement. Compared to “Sky Sport Italia” added the 61-year-old chain-smoker that he had problem with Cristiano Ronaldo, and Paulo Dybala. Although the two off the court correctly understand well, it is not always easy when both are together on the field. “Dybala is a phenomenal player. It is about the fact that he and Cristiano in harmony on the playing field with each other. However, it is not always easy to let them play together,” says Sarri.

Great polemic, he didn’t want to make but because of it. He accepts this challenge and described the Situation as a “pleasant Problem”. Sarri also provides clear: “If you have two players with this kind of quality, it must adapt to the Rest of the team, both in attack and in defense.”

Whether Juventus will attack at the San Siro, with Dybala and Ronaldo together, is still open. On VIEW you’ll learn it starting from 21 o’clock live in the Ticker.