in the face of persistent Coronavirus infections, the American health authority CDC has called on all residents of the United States to take the Situation more seriously. The pandemic is not over, it should be said at the CDC for infectious diseases, the competent Jay Butler on Friday. Also new stringent output restrictions “may be necessary”. This must be decided at the local level, depending on the infection to happen.

After the Corona pandemic and its impact since March dominant was the issue in the United States, became after the death of the African-American George Floyd in a brutal police operation at the end of may and the following protests and unrest in the Background. Now, some States report the highest levels of new infections. So, the health Ministry announced in North Carolina, on Friday, as many as never had been detected with 1768 new infections since the beginning of the pandemic within a day.

As many Infected as in any other country

CDC Director, Robert Redfield, all Americans are urged to keep more distance and hygiene recommendations. “We are making real progress, but there is still a lot of work.” In the United States, with approximately 330 million inhabitants have been infected, according to data from the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, more than two million people since the beginning of the pandemic is confirmed with the Coronavirus. Across the country, almost of 113,000 people have died so far in connection with the lung disease Covid-19– more than in any other country in the world.

After all the Federal States had arranged, as a response to the pandemic restrictions, there was almost everywhere loosening. The CDC track the rise of new infections in a number of Federal States was “very concerned,” said Butler. “We understand that we all have no more desire to stay at home back to life and want to have, the one we had in December.” The return to had to “be done as safely as possible”.